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Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2018

Is it possible that we will stop being the throwaway society?

To be honest I don't see a big chance of us stopping being the throwaway society because it would be really really hard. We are used to throwing out stuff we don't need, when it's broken or when the new model of something comes out. This isn't the best thing to do considering how much of those things isn't recycled but this is how our market works. Electronics are made to last couple of years and after that they tend to slow down or just break down so we have to buy a new one. Big companies are controlling the whole market and we don't really have anything to say about it. That's why we won't stop being the throwaway society until we will change our mindset.

Why in the age of science do so many people belive in supernatural things?

In my opinion many people still believe in super natural things because it is very hard for them to change their mindset about this. What I mean is we are all surrounded by culture of supernatural from the beginning of our lives. All the fairy tales we were told many books we read and many films we watch contain something that does not exist. We are just used to thinking those things are real from our childhood and even though science proved it all to be not real many times deeply inside some of us still believe it or question it's existence. Overall I think that the reason of so many people believing in supernatural is being raised in culture full of it.