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Burj al-Arab

Burj al-Arab is one on the most unique hotels in the entire world. It is located in Dubai, UAE. It was completed in 1999 being the highest hotel in the world at the time. Though it is not even one of the highest buildings with its 321 meters it became the recognizable landmark for the emerging city. Don't be fooled by the hight, It is a real engineering masterpiece. The hotel stand on artificial island which was created just before construction started. Because of standing far out in the sea architects had to deal with the wind which can reach very high speeds in that region so the structure had to be streamlined. This is why the building has its weird and unique sail-like shape. The atrium is separated from the outside by a glass fibre screen attached to the building through a network of steel cables.
It provides a needed heat shield but also prevents the dust from the desert from sticking to the buildings elevation and getting inside. Tom Wright, the architect of the Burj al-Arab said that his intention was to make this hotel a symbol of growing city. He succeeded in it and even though many newer skyscrapers topped the hotel and beat it in almost every aspect it will still remain as the key landmark in Dubai and also serve a reminder of the transition era of the city. 

At the end I want to point out that some people say that burj al-arab was designed by British architects to resemble the largest christian cross in the Muslim country. This is why the building is hardly ever shown from the sea perspective. Wright never confirmed or denied that so nobody except him really know the answer. Thanks for reading!



  1. A spectacular building indeed.
    I couldn't help noticing that it is quite far away from the other skyscrapers in the town and presumably far away from the centre, too. How does this affect the business - do they still have enough guests?

    1. It's one of the most expensive if not the most expensive and luxurious hotel in the world so I think they are doing fine but when It comes to location of the building I think it was designed to kind of stand out and not get lost in the crowd of other skyscapers so this is why it stands pretty far from the centre of Dubai.


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