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Today I will talk about another villa. In fact maybe as interesting as the last one. It's called Fallingwater and it was designed by one of the history's greatest architect Frank Lloyd Wright. I was built in Pennsylvania, USA in 1939. The house was built to blend in the forest and to be a perfect place to relax. It was incredibly modern for it's time and you had to be a genius to make create something like this. It surely had made a really big impression on everyone who saw this building when it was finished. Because the family which Wright was designing house for liked waterfalls decided to build their house on top of one. It was never done before and not may times after. It's mainly made of steel-reiforced concrete and stone so it pefectly expresses Frank's concept of "organic architecture". There were some serious structural problems due to very hard conditions and not enough support material designed what caused the house to start collapsing and without reinforcing the fundations in 2002 it would probably collapse by now. To get to the house you have to cross the bridge built on the stream. 
The interior is also super futristic for 1930s and most of it is still original. It's open to public visiting so if you find yourself in the state of Pennsylvania you really shoud visit it. It's one of my favourite buildings and I hope you enjoyed reading this post.


  1. Have you actually been there?
    The concept can't have been so perfect if the house almost collapsed. Either the idea was too ambitious and unrealistic or the construction was faulty.

    1. Sadly I didn't have a chance to be there but I would love to visit it some day. I think the architect wanted the building to look the best it could and didn't really care about what seemed to him to be minor structural problem.


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