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Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2018

Alt-right politicians

   Rising popularity for alt-right parties and politicians can be observed for some time now. Why is that? Well, In my opinion the cause of this is the fact that many years left-sided parties were getting more support and thus they made a bigger impact throughout these years than the right-sided ones. The evaluation whether these decisions were good is really personal. Some people liked them for sure and some people didn't. Because now alt-right parties are gaining support we can see that some people really hated the changes in recent years and decided to turn to opposing side even if that means voting for extremes. There were also some big events that made an impact on people's political opinions. For example many terrorist attacks in recent years. People are afraid of them and that makes them more likely to vote for parties with more nationalistic and conservative programmes. Those are in my opinion most important reasons of rising support for alt-right politicians.