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Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2018

The rain

Form my experience most people don't like when it's raining outside. They connect it with sadness and unwillingness to do anything. I feel quite opposite. I love when it's raining especially in the evening. I have no clue why but I feel even more productive when I see the rain through the window or hear the drops hitting the roof. I think it has something to do with the times when I was very young. I used to enjoy playing in the puddles and just being outside during the showery days. It just stayed with me throughout all these years and even though now I don't really like getting wet and cold I still enjoy experiencing the rain in other ways. It just has a vibe that is special to me. I'm very curious how many more people feel the same way.


Today I visited my grandfather at one of many Warsaw's hospitals. It has been some time since I was in a hospital at all but I still hate going there even as a visitor. I know those are places where people get healed and stuff but there is just something in them that makes me want to leave as soon as I enter. For me there are two main factors that trigger that reaction in my case. First is the appearance of a hospitals themselves and don't get me wrong. I know that there is big effort to modernise them and make them look better but for now most of them doesn't look like a place you would like to be in. The second thing for me is atmosphere. It's just so overwhelming and tense that it makes me feel really uncomfortable. Especially on the ward with old people. It makes me very sad to see some of them without any hope and just sadly laying in beds with no vision of better tomorrow. I don't know if all people feel likewise but I though it is kind of interesting that the