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How Ice might help us Find Extraterrestrial Life

The video I decided to watch is about looking for alien life in our solar system. The things we look for however are rather strange. Here on earth ice usually means no life but on some moons it could possibly cover huge underground oceans. If that's true and on Europa or Enceladus we'll find liquid water which is one of the most important conditions for life to exist we will be very close to finding out if there is life outside our home planet. We've been unlucky in finding any extraterrestrial  life as of today. If you heat water to 100 degrees celsius it will start turning into vapor .
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There once was a man from Bristol They said he always carried a pistol People didn’t know why Until he told them he was a spy After that he sadly had to kill them all

Alt-right politicians

   Rising popularity for alt-right parties and politicians can be observed for some time now. Why is that? Well, In my opinion the cause of this is the fact that many years left-sided parties were getting more support and thus they made a bigger impact throughout these years than the right-sided ones. The evaluation whether these decisions were good is really personal. Some people liked them for sure and some people didn't. Because now alt-right parties are gaining support we can see that some people really hated the changes in recent years and decided to turn to opposing side even if that means voting for extremes. There were also some big events that made an impact on people's political opinions. For example many terrorist attacks in recent years. People are afraid of them and that makes them more likely to vote for parties with more nationalistic and conservative programmes. Those are in my opinion most important reasons of rising support for alt-right politicians. 

The rain

Form my experience most people don't like when it's raining outside. They connect it with sadness and unwillingness to do anything. I feel quite opposite. I love when it's raining especially in the evening. I have no clue why but I feel even more productive when I see the rain through the window or hear the drops hitting the roof. I think it has something to do with the times when I was very young. I used to enjoy playing in the puddles and just being outside during the showery days. It just stayed with me throughout all these years and even though now I don't really like getting wet and cold I still enjoy experiencing the rain in other ways. It just has a vibe that is special to me. I'm very curious how many more people feel the same way.


Today I visited my grandfather at one of many Warsaw's hospitals. It has been some time since I was in a hospital at all but I still hate going there even as a visitor. I know those are places where people get healed and stuff but there is just something in them that makes me want to leave as soon as I enter. For me there are two main factors that trigger that reaction in my case. First is the appearance of a hospitals themselves and don't get me wrong. I know that there is big effort to modernise them and make them look better but for now most of them doesn't look like a place you would like to be in. The second thing for me is atmosphere. It's just so overwhelming and tense that it makes me feel really uncomfortable. Especially on the ward with old people. It makes me very sad to see some of them without any hope and just sadly laying in beds with no vision of better tomorrow. I don't know if all people feel likewise but I though it is kind of interesting that the

Reflection #3

Sports have been with us pretty much since the begining of our civilization but now became bigger than ever before. Nowdays we can watch a game of football for example that is being played tousands of kilometers away. That's amazing  because we are able to expirience sports like never until now and that's cool. But to me what is cooler is the phenomenon of cheering for sombody or some team. I think it is special because we don't know those people in person, we don't know who they really are like but still, we take time out of our day to spend it watching them compete with others. This is in my opinion the true magic of sports. Not the competition or the fact that you can win something etc. But the fact that it truly unites people from all countries, parts of the globe, from different cultures and religions. It just doesn't have any boundaries and that is what makes it so magical and special.

Reflection #2

"This road is too narrow", "Why didn't they build a bigger path for pedestrians here?", "Who designed the centre of this city? There is always so much traffic". I think we all heard or said something along these lines in our lives. We like to complain about the way a city or a town was planned but we don't realise that it isn't the easiest thing to do most of the times. City isn't built at once. Neither it is planned at once. It means that it will always change and will have to be adapted to always changing requirements of the people. For example architects two centuries ago didn't expect that today there will be cars in such big numbers on the streets so it is obvious that the roads built then are not able to handle the modern day challenges. There are more examples like that so I think we should be more forgiving next time we'll be stuck in traffic in the old part of the city.